Google Tests Smart Contact Lenses Designed To Help Diabetics
Google is a company well-known for its bold ventures into different technologies. One portion of its vast resources has gone into the development of contact lenses that could prove to be a tremendous help to people suffering from diabetes. The company announced on its blog that it was testing prototypes that measure glucose levels in…
Read moreAllergies And Dirty Lenses Are The Main Causes Of Burning Eyes
Wearing contacts is normally a comfortable experience, and you may even forget you have them in your eyes. However, there are a few things that could cause a burning sensation, which could make wearing lenses very uncomfortable. One of the reasons for this burning sensation is eye allergies. The most common causes are pollen, dust…
Read moreNew Retinal Implant Gives Hope To Sufferers Of Retinitis Pigmentosa
A new retinal implant has been proven to help people suffering from a blinding genetic disease called retinitis pigmentosa to recognise common objects. The study, presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, is titled ‘The Use of the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis to Identify Common Objects in Blind Subjects With Outer…
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