Its The Season To Spread The Contact Lens Message Among Kids
The back-to-school season is a time when many kids give a thought to replacing their glasses with contact lenses. For many, this consideration is driven by a desire to improve their image, while others are motivated by the convenience contact lenses offer for those actively engaged in physical activities. Whatever the reason, this time of year provides a great opportunity for eye care practitioners and parents to promote contact lens wear, according to an article in the current issue of Contact Lens Spectrum.
The author is Dr Jason R. Miller from the Ohio State University College of Optometry. He points out that it is particularly important to provide a solid foundation. This means that doctors and parents must work together to help children learn the proper techniques for inserting and removing contacts. In the initial stage, input from parents is critical for gauging the responsibility of the child and determining whether he or she is ready to wear contact lenses. Since some parents fear that their children are too young to make the transition from glasses to lenses, doctors must make it a priority to point out that there is no ground for safety concerns, regardless of the patient’s age.
Miller also urges eye care practitioners to be proactive and recommend contact lenses to children who may not have considered the switch. Given the rich choice of products available today, there is a solution for most patients. According to Miller, daily disposable contacts are particularly suitable for most children, as they usually have a healthy anterior segment.