Advice For Avoiding Improper Use of Decorative Lenses
Many festive events can be livened up with fun costumes; throw decorative lenses into the mix to complete the look and the effect can be amazing. Many people also use such lenses when they feel like changing their eye colour, be it for a specific occasion or just for the fun of it. However, decorative contact lenses should be approached with the same responsibility as corrective lenses, as the consequences of improper use can be equally grave.
The most important thing to remember is to make an appointment with your optometrist and get your eyes checked, even if you believe your vision to be fine. Lenses worn without prior consultation with an eye-care professional can pose a risk, decorative contacts being no exception.
The result of unauthorised wear could lead to corneal ulcers, corneal abrasion and visual impairment, WebMD notes in its article on the subject.
Once you receive a valid prescription, make sure to buy your decorative contact lenses from an eye-care practice or a legitimate vendor – the latter will ask you to provide prescription information. When you finally have your lenses, adhere to the instructions for wearing, cleaning and disinfecting them. You should also make it a habit to have a follow-up eye exam.
Overall, you need to remember that decorative contact lenses should be approached with the same care as regular or corrective lenses. Unapproved products, improper wear and poor care can make them the cause of various eye problems, some of which can ultimately lead to blindness.