Some Reminders For Lens Wearers
All lens wearers are aware of the mistakes they could make in taking care of their eyes, but there are also some things that might get pushed to the back of the mind when it comes to eye health.
Sometimes, it’s all too easy to skip regular eye appointments. It is recommended that you have a check-up once a year, as the state of your eyes can change significantly. Eye care professional are able to track those changes and react appropriately. You may also need new glasses or lenses and not be aware of it, so make sure to visit your optician on a regular basis.
Remember that contact lenses are made for the use of one person only. It is important that you never swap your contacts with a friend, as this will increase the chances of catching germs and risking infection.
Another thing to remember, in particular for women, is to follow the proper order of inserting lenses and putting on – and removing – make-up. First put your lenses in, then apply make-up and other cosmetics. At the end of the day, take the lenses out first and then remove the make-up, as this will reduce the risk of various bacteria from the make-up that could get on the lenses or in your eyes.
A final word of warning: don’t think that contacts will protect your eyes from the sun. There are lenses that have a UV filter, but don’t count on it as the only protection from exposure to harmful sun rays. So with this in mind, make sure you also wear quality sunglasses.