Eye Vitamins: An Essential Part Of Good Eye Care
Taking good care of your eyes involves consuming the right food that will supply your body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, modern eating habits have made it practically impossible to obtain these important nutrients through food alone. Keeping your eyes healthy may therefore require the intake of vitamins specifically designed for that purpose.
In most cases, eye vitamins are available over the counter but there can be exceptions. A prescription would be required in the case of people suffering from AMD, who need to take high dosages, EyeHealthWeb notes in its article on the issue. But while the vitamins and minerals found in these pills are good for you, keep in mind that you only need a moderate amount as excessive consumption can be dangerous.
So how do you go about selecting a specific brand of eye vitamins? Well, price will obviously play a part but it shouldn’t be much of an issue since over-the-counter products are typically quite affordable. What you need to pay good attention to is the composition and how it compares to daily values. It is essential for eye vitamins to have Vitamins A, C, E and B2 plus the minerals zinc and selenium. Several products now contain the antioxidant lutein, the true benefits of which are still being studied. However, since lutein is found primarily in the retina, lens and macula, it is assumed that a good supply of it will ensure healthy eyes.